Dear Supernaturally Wired One,
In Christ, we are multidimensional new creations with an other-worldly capacity. Our born above design is continually being unraveled in our supernatural journey.
This remarkable trek is maximized when it is walked out within community and thus, there is Noohra Institute.
Noohra is the Aramaic word for light and divine intelligence found in Daniel 2:22, which says, "He reveals deep and hidden things; He knows what is in the darkness, and the light dwells with Him."
In the Kingdom, we have been birthed into a world of infinite possibilities. This co-world with Christ is not only real, it's tangible and is within and around us.
Noohra Institute was a 9 month mystical lab experience that took a deep dive into mystical subject matter that is not often discussed, but is imperative for any child of God to understand.
We are supernatural new creations designed to function from our cosmic position in Christ, which is seated with Him in the heavenly realms.
This institute will provide dynamic revelation, a global connection with people from all around the world, and a framework for engaging mystical realities.
Brian and Arun have previously done a Noohra mentorship for two years. The Noohra Institute is an evolution and expansion of these two years to go deeper and more meaningfully into mystical subjects and explore the expanse of our new creation reality in Christ.
This was a very different experience from what Noohra was in the past.
We want to help provide systems, processes, and frameworks for growing in your supernatural journey in Christ. The mystical can have practical application in our lives. This laboratory experience will help ground these things out and be interactive and fun.
This Biblically-based institute will demystify and normalize the mystical so that you may become progressively, more intimately with and may know more definitely, accurately, the mystic secret, which is Christ (Colossians 2:2).
We would love for you to join us on this epic and meaningful journey!
When does Noohra Institute Begin?
It all began Wednesday, February 24th at 5pm PST. After February, all monthly sessions will be on a Wednesday night once a month. Our next one is March 24th!
What format will be used for monthly session?
We will be using Zoom for our monthly sessions. Make sure to check your junk mail for information.
Is there interaction outside of main sessions?
Yes! You can join the private Noohra Institute Telegram group after your purchase of Institute. Make sure to download the free app to your phone.
Will there be replays?
Yes, you will have access to the main sessions and those that are premium members will get access to the additional mentorship sessions.
What's the Premium Option?
The premium option for the Noohra Institute is an additional hour immediately following the two hour main session. This will be a small group of people where we have more specific, intentional time to walk through activations, deeper questions, etc.
There are no refunds on payments.