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Dear Reformers,

The Renaissance gave us amazing expressions of creativity that have stood the test of time and inspired generations. Yet, one of the foundational mindsets of the Renaissance was taken from a Greek philosopher named Protagorus of Abdera. He stated that man is the measure of all things. This faulty framework has prevented humanity from truly discovering what is possible. 

God is the measure of all things.

Omnimetry is a 9 month school to explore God as the measure of all things. What would it look like to administrate the unseen into the seen? How can we build what's on the heart of the Father and the mind of Christ in different spheres of life?

We will explore these questions and more in this 9 month experiential journey. There will be one live two hour session each month with an optional third hour with the mentorship. 


(Exploring God as the measure of all things)

  • February: Measure of God

    Session 1 is all about establishing a framework for what it means and looks like to ground out unseen realities into the seen, so that the measure of God is made manifest.

  • March: The Temple

    Our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit and God's crowning genius. Tap into ancient Jesus-centric technologies to optimize this space.

  • April: The Mind

    Our neurology governs our physiology, thus, we must learn to govern our mind to see impact at multiple levels.

  • May: Atmospheres

    We are not victims of an atmosphere, we can have influence and govern the atmospheres around our lives. Learn to express the measure of God atmospherically.

  • June: Interpersonal Realm

    Our interpersonal world here on earth impacts our trans-dimensional relationships in heaven. Learn to govern your relational ecosystem with the ecology of the Spirit.

  • July: Purpose

    What are you called to be and do? How do you walk in heavenly governance to see the greatest impact through your life.

  • August: Creation

    What does it look like to walk in cosmic governance? Is it possible to govern both on and off world in Christ?

  • September: Ventures

    Brooding over our business and governing can bring about growth, progress, and innovation. Learn to see your business from a different vantage point and Kingdom prosperity at a new level.

  • October: Resource

    Our relationship with time and money has an incredible impact on many things. Learn to live on time and govern finance.

Basic vs. Premium

What's the difference?

  • Basic

    Basic membership gives you access to the monthly live sessions and replays.

  • Premium

    Premium gives you Basic + an additional hour mentorship session with Brian and Arun in a small group, allowing more time for specific questions, activations, and more.

Secure Your Spot!

We would love to have you!


  • What format will be used for monthly session?

    Each live session is done via Zoom. Make sure to check your junk mail for emails.

  • Is there interaction outside of main sessions?

    Yes! We have a private Telegram group that allows for connection, a place to ask questions, and more. Make sure to download the free Telegram app on your phone.

  • Will there be replays?


  • What's the Premium Option?

    The premium membership gives you access to all live sessions + an additional one hour session with Brian and Arun in a small group each month.

  • Are there refunds?

    There are no refunds on payments.





Brian has over 21 years of experience developing and deploying world changers on universities, which helped to shape his passion for the merging of the intellectual and mystical. He is an international speaker and trainer that empowers others to live an ascended life in the limitless Kingdom of God. Along with helping to start two businesses, Brian is the founder of the nonprofit, Kingdomstrate, which exists to equip and empower others to demonstrate the Kingdom of God. He is also the co-founder of Kingdom Reformers and the CEO of Triscend LLC. Brian carries a father’s heart, a sense of humor, and a strong desire to provoke others out of religiosity and into the reality of sonship. He has authored five books that are used in several countries. Brian and his wife reside in San Diego, California with their two children.


Arun has been identified as a mystic, an explorer, advisor, mentor, biohacker, entrepreneur and more. However, his core is Union with the Creator and the Flow this Fusion inspires. This connection with our Creator is the basis of Union Flow, yet it encompasses more. It delves into matters such as the multi-dimensional nature of reality, our interconnectivity to the Creator, one another, and the world(s) we are co-designers of. Its genesis began 10 years ago with these divinely inspired words: “through Union with Me everything else will Flow.” Arun believes that the best foundation for life is within our Christocentric Union with the Person of God. The Flow of this relationship produces divine intelligence and an ability to exceed the limitations of the natural order. He is focused on seeing others thrive and succeed by helping them deepen their connection with the divine, encouraging the liberation of their spirit. Union Flow is for any individual who desires this lifestyle of living within the Creator’s Love.