Dear New Creation,
In Christ, you have been made into something the earth has not beheld before. God wanted a record of Himself deposited into physical creation and thus, He created you. The best idea He ever had that encompassed His full creative genius was and is you.
Divinity has found a home in humanity. You are the vessel through which the unseen realities manifest into the seen. In Christ, you are a portal to another world that carries the same power that raised Jesus from the dead. You are the transitioning agent between a limitless world and a world in need of Kingdom abundance.
What does it mean that you are a new creation? How do you live from this multidimensional reality? How do you build the future?
These questions and more will be answered as we delve into the application of the revelation of our sonship and the resulting manifestation and translation of reformation of the spheres of society.
Enjoy all of the replays. Some session topics are:
7 Dimensions of Sonship
Humanity 2.0
Framing the Next Era
Neurology of a Reformer
and more...
How do I access replays?
For now, via the private Facebook group. Soon the videos will be on this platform.
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