Dear Resilient One,

We live in a day and an age where comfort and convenience are some of the highest goals sought to achieve. This narrow approach to life is creating a generation that doesn't know how to properly embrace endurance in life.

The Art of Persistence is a call to a counter-cultural reality that includes the power of endurance. What does it look like to persist? What are the rewards involved in living resilient?

In this two night workshop, I will unpack a framework for persistence as well as dive into very practical ways to build resilience so that you can have a trajectory of success in a bright future.

I hope to see you!

- Brian

What Will Be Covered?

  • Persistence Framework

    Gain a theological framework for the power of persistence. There will be fresh language and revelation to bring a proper perspective.

  • Practical Integration

    Learn ways to practically and dynamically integrate resilience builders in your day to day life.

  • Propelled Purpose

    Learn to change the pace of your life to maximize your purpose in order to ensure a sustainable journey that finds a heavenly rhythm for a prosperous future.

Pricing options

Workshop + Coaching Add-on



  • When is the workshop?

    It was Wednesday, May 24th and Wednesday, May 31st at 5pm PST. You can access the replays.

  • What is the Coaching Add-On?

    This is a 45 minute session with Brian to be able to discover more breakthrough and/or a pathway to greater resilience in your life.

  • Refunds?

    There are no refunds.