What's the Borme Identity FlowCast?
The FlowCast is access to over 2 1/2 years of videos and podcasts + 1 live, interactive video each month. One video will be a live Q&A session with Brian and the other will be Brian sharing some transformative content. The FlowCast focuses on Identity, The Gospel of the Kingdom, Our Cosmic Position in Christ, and more. You also get access to the Borme Identity FlowCast Community!

If you are looking for fresh revelation on topics that you won’t hear anywhere else, you’ll want to subscribe to The Borme Identity Flowcast! I’ve learned so much that has deepened my walk with God and given me better understanding of spiritual principles. I consider an awesome personal investment.
Borme Identity FlowCast Includes
The Borme Bundle, which is $97 on its own includes over 2 years worth of videos and podcasts from Brian.
Upgrade to Borme Identity Premium

FlowCast Facilitator

Guide Brian Orme
Brian is an author, minister, and spiritual advisor. He is passionate about empowering others to live an ascended life in Christ, become aware of the limitless Kingdom, and encounter the Father’s love.
Brian has been a forerunner in ministry for the past 23 years, dedicating his life to reaching students on secular universities. His out of the box thinking, humor, love for people, and strategic and prophetic insight has brought him across the U.S. and world to connect with churches, ministries, business leaders, and more.
Brian’s style of speaking and consulting, including his unique perspective of Kingdom realities have kept his calendar full. He is the co-founder of the nonprofit Kingdomstrate, co-founder of the nonprofit Kingdom Reformers, and the co-founder and CEO of Triscend LLC and the founder and CEO of Anomali Ventures. Brian lives in San Diego with his wife Cecilee and his daughter Eowyn and son Liam. He is the author of the following books: Jumpstart, Little Beans and a Big God, The Ascended Life Volume I, The Ascended Life: Volume II and Remember When.