Sync Mentorship


Join Brian for a one year mentorship focusing on synchronizing your supernatural, business, and wellness life.

Reformers Online Event Replay

Watch the replay for FREE!

4Q Mentorship

Sold Out

A high-level and personalized mentorship focused on the Mystical, Financial, Physiological, and Governmental.

Digital Frontier

Get the Workshop Replay

Interested in learning more about crypto? Are there cycles to the crypto markets and how do we navigate them? This valuable time will well worth it to help you engage with crypto masterfully.

The Anomali Bundle

14 months of Content

Get 14 months of content! Both of the Anomali mentorships on sale together for $197. Originally, these were both $197 EACH!

Abundance Intelligence Briefings

Cryptocurrencies are an amazing opportunity to multiply finance. Join our monthly coaching session where we learn about it all + build prophetic community around cryptocurrency!

New Era Apostles Workshop

Catch the replays

The New Era Apostles workshop will help define the composition of apostolic DNA. We will provide you with fresh language that will help create frameworks to enable you to build a bright future in the context God has placed you in.

The Art of Persistence Workshop

Watch the replays

Catch the replays from this powerful two night workshop exploring the art of persistence. Learn to have greater resilience in your life for a prosperous future.

Breath and Longevity Workshop


The Breath and Longevity workshop will provide insights and practical Christo-centric well-being habits to integrate into your life that will help to create a trajectory of prosperity in your spirit, soul, and body. Learn breath work tools that will enhance your experience of life and keys for longevity that are all centered in our union with Christ.

Wonder Sessions

Catch the Replays

The Wonder Sessions were two nights to explore how to live in a sustainable place of wonder so that we can build with the wisdom of God. How do we live as a transitioning agent that brings the unseen into the seen?

Mystical Meditations: Dreamscapes

Experience Volume II of Mystical Meditations. These visual and audio presentations will help you engage with God in a deeper way. There are 5 distinct meditations in this volume.

Go Crypto Workshop

FREE workshop!

This is a replay from July 7th where we jump into Bitcoin and Ethereum basics, crypto tools, and more. This is a FREE workshop.

Red Rocket Comedy Special

Build your core with some gut-busting laughter in Brian's recent comedy special, Red Rocket. Enjoy nearly 40 minutes of humorous clean jokes and stories.

Mystical Meditations

Experience 5 distinct meditations that have visual and audio elements to help bring a fresh encounter with God, reveal relevant revelation, and experience a greater measure of the peace of Christ.

New Creation Summit

The New Creation Summit took place on November 6th. Get access to all of the high quality replays!

The Mystics Bundle

Get the ultimate mystics bundle with 4 different courses. The bundle includes: Mystical Phenomenon, Raising Mystics, Multidimensional, and The Cloud and Stars. Save over $40!

Mystical Phenomenon Course

In this course, you will learn about bizarre and beautiful ways God interacts with us. This biblical framework and revelatory process will help bring language and permission to experience all God has for you.

The Cloud and the Stars

In this course you will learn about the cloud of witnesses and how to partner with these "trans-personal" relationships. In addition, the Zodiac will be explored and redeemed to its rightful place in God's design and purpose.


Modern-day deliverance

This powerful two night lab with Brian Orme and Magnus Sund was a revelatory time where we will dismantled faulty foundations and brought clarity to this much needed supernatural skill set that is just as crucial today as it was in Jesus' day on earth. Get access to the replays!

Raising Mystics Online Class

Get access to the replays from this powerful class with Brian and Cecilee Orme where we unpacked biblical and practical keys for raising children to experience and steward the supernatural.

Abundance Intelligence

Abundance Intelligence was an interactive online workshop that will educate you on our current monetary system, expand your capacity to steward the power God has given you that is specific to creating wealth, and elevate your thinking to align with God's thoughts toward prosperity.

Multidimensional Course

This Christ-centric and biblically sound course will help bring understanding of your triune nature in Christ and how to live an integrated life as a new creation. Enjoy the replays from the live event. Includes all slides from the presentations.

Mindset Legacy Course

This course will help break you free from orphan mentalities, dive deeper into sonship mentalities, give you tools for sustained mind renewal, experience emotional healing, and more!

About Brian

Guide Brian Orme

Brian is an author, minister, and spiritual advisor. He is passionate about empowering others to live an ascended life in Christ, become aware of the limitless Kingdom, and encounter the Father’s love. Brian has been a forerunner in ministry for the past 23 years, dedicating his life to reaching students on secular universities. His out of the box thinking, humor, love for people, and strategic and prophetic insight has brought him across the U.S. and world to connect with churches, ministries, business leaders, and more. Brian’s style of speaking and consulting, including his unique perspective of Kingdom realities have kept his calendar full. He is the co-founder of the nonprofit Kingdomstrate, co-founder of the nonprofit Kingdom Reformers, and the co-founder and CEO of Triscend LLC and the founder and CEO of Anomali Ventures. Brian lives in San Diego with his wife Cecilee and his daughter Eowyn and son Liam. He is the author of the following books: Jumpstart, Little Beans and a Big God, The Ascended Life Volume I, The Ascended Life: Volume II and Remember When.